Approximately one year post-op, I bumped into a friend of mine - Lindsay Berra - at a social event. What's up, how are you, what's new with you type of talk soon turned into a good ten.. fifteen.. half an hour+ conversation about heart surgery, CrossFit, finding others out there 'like me' throughout the process. Lindsay, an awesome writer (and fun to workout alongside of), was interested in learning more about the private FB group I am a member of, the type of people there, the stories, the connections, and potentially writing about it. Connected her with D.J. Forsyth, got her in the group, answered a few interview questions, and a few months later saw THIS article pop up online and in newsstands c/o The Box.
What started as less than a handful of us bloomed into a story about eight of us, and soon grew to over 100+ as the years have progressed.
Thank you, Lindsay, for taking the time to connect with us and share our stories. More importantly, thank you for helping build a bridge to connect with others "like us" out there.
If you, or someone you know is facing issues of the heart, please reach out!
Click the "Contact" button above, say hello.
CrossFit saves lives, and you're not alone.
We're here for you, with you.